An online horoscope and tool that forecasts ones future through self-knowledge. It is based on the unconscious self of each and every one, and on the experiences of human life.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The subconscious mind

The subconscious mind is a concept created more than 200 years ago, by a man named Carl Gustav Carus. He theorized that beyond our conscious existence, humans also have a latent unconscious mind.

Later, Sigmund Freud said that this subconscious mind is a fairly dark place, that stores traumatic and repressed memories. While we may be unaware of them, these experiences can strongly influence our daily lives. The only time they are freely expressed are during psychotic episodes - and dreams.

But Freud's protege, Carl Jung, took this theory even further, blurring the rules that Sigmund Freud had set for the unconscious mind and forming a whole new structure of the human mind. Jung said that the unconscious mind is full of transcendent truths - and that we can grow by bringing these truths into conscious awareness. He said the best way to achieve this is through dream interpretation.

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